Euro Motors

Small Windshield Chip Can Cause Big Problems

If your vehicle’s windshield has a small chip or crack, don’t ignore it, fix it. Disregarding a small crack now could lead to bigger problems later.

Windshield damage may happen unexpectedly, and should be fixed as soon as possible. A neglected small chip or crack can turn into a larger one, requiring more costly windshield replacement. In addition, drivers could get ticketed and fined if the crack obstructs vision.

When a vehicle owner notices a problem with their windshield, they should not wait to get it fixed. A small chip or crack can grow larger, and if another item like a rock, golf ball or baseball hits the windshield, the damage can expand quickly, compromising safety and requiring full windshield replacement.

Repairing a small chip or crack is inexpensive, easy and quick to fix, and the vehicle owner’s insurance may even pay for the repair. Ignoring a windshield issue is like neglecting teeth cleaning and ending up with cavities or gum disease. With simple maintenance, you can avoid a much bigger, more expensive issue.